Downloadable texts from the tradition of
Âchârya Madhva.
A Kannada lecture (streaming mp3 audio) on the nine
prameya-s, by the late H.H. Srî Vidyâmânya
Tîrtha of the Palimar Matha, is now available:
High Bandwidth: [Part 1]
[Part 2] (T1/Broadband/LAN)
Low Bandwidth: [Part 1]
[Part 2] (56k phone modem)
A Kannada lecture (streaming mp3 audio, also by H.H. Srî
Vidyâmânya Tîrtha) on the significance of the
Gâyatrî is also available:
High Bandwidth: [Part 1]
[Part 2][Part 3]
[Part 4] (T1/Broadband/LAN)
RDF users may be interested in our metadata (also embedded in this
page). A catalog of
releases is also available.
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5.0 or later. If you have trouble opening a file directly off the
web, try saving it locally and then opening it.
As of midnight local time on
there were 596
downloadable files,
adding up to 75153818
These are E-Books that we have painstakingly edited, and are provided with
some supplementary material or aids for study.
Shorter Works
These are short stotra-s and other works that are also corrected, but are provided without supplements. There is of course no guarantee that any of these (or the Releases) is completely error-free (and every likelihood that errors remain), but these documents should match or exceed the standards of correctness found elsewhere.
These are contemporary academic writings of possible interest to readers of our websites. Opinions expressed in these are those of the authors.
These are texts presently being proofed and edited. A relatively large number of errors is likely, but these may nonetheless be useful. Reports of errors are solicited.
This server provides rare texts that are of interest to scholars or students
of Dvaita Vedânta. The texts are copyrighted, but may be
used freely for scholarly purposes, provided that they are quoted as
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Adding to this site
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adding texts coded by you (possibly, but not necessarily, on our wish list), and have
a help document.
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